
Posts Tagged ‘Sales Tool’

Snap Out of It!

October 21, 2010 1 comment

Video Marketing… I Think I Love You!

                                                   Signed, Superman


Ok, so I just lost my job. Sales at a Palo Alto Hotel. The Hotel was sold. Initially I was feeling OK, I mean, I’m a good salesperson and surely someone would like to have me on their team. But, oh no, here comes Mister Self Doubt, and his brother What if? Anyway, that lasted about 3 minutes, since I have my hands in a few things that could pan out nicely. They aren’t producing income right now, but when people find out I’ve discovered the cure for the common cold, I’ll be pretty busy from then on.

Sure enough, within the first week of my “retirement” I got a call to meet at a hotel in South San Francisco to see about doing some outside sales calls for them. I did my research, met with the GM, we asked questions, developed a plan and agreed to terms.

As we talked about the desired business they would like to see come in and how we would introduce new companies to the hotel, I had this calm easy feeling come over me. I used videos in the last hotel and this was going to be another hotel and other customers and I couldn’t wait to see how well it would work here.

I felt so… so…Superman like. I imagined going to offices nearby and being rebuked at the gates. Then, at the end of the day I would head back to the office with business cards in hand of the Office Managers,  HR Directors, and Travel Managers that I could not see and send them a simple email. That email which they will probably recognize; because I just dropped my card off earlier, has a 90% chance of being opened. Even if they see it the next morning, I still like my odds of being recognized. Then; now here comes the good part, I ask them to view a personal video message from me by clicking this secure link. (Sample Link)

The reason I feel so great is that I know I’m presenting the best possible way to showcase my property. I mean pictures are so 2008!

The link, if you did not click on it, would have, in place of the VTA train footage an introductory video of me saying, “I’m sorry I missed you at the office earlier.”  “I want to introduce myself and allow you to see videos of our hotel and guest rooms. I look forward to meeting you for lunch and a property tour one day. If I can help with anything else, please call or you may fill out the form to the right.” I haven’t even started my new job and I’m frothing at the mouth because of what a slam dunk this feels like. Video Marketing, no matter the product, is the best thing I have ever seen from a salespersons perspective. I will keep you updated on the uses and outcomes and share with you my successes. If anyone has any hesitation about starting with video, please, feel free to ask me, to help you, to; SNAP OUT OF IT!  

Thank you,

Bruce    (Meet Me Video!)   

Gitomer believes “best example of sales trump is video testimonials”

April 21, 2009 9 comments

Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Little Red Book of Selling, writes a powerful blog article titled, “What’s the difference between sales trump and Donald Trump?”

Hint – he believes video is one of the most powerful forms of sales trump.

Check out the article in entirety here and come back to Vipe to learn how to benefit from video in your sales process Features Vipe Hospitality Press Release

April 21, 2009 1 comment, lodging’s leading environmental news source, picked up Vipe’s Hospitality press release. Vipe is helping hoteliers minimize the need for printed marketing collateral.

Check out the article here.